About Knowledge / Meta Box

Knowledge Base articles for the Meta Box plugins.

Use Knowledge/Meta Box when posting topics about the Meta Box WordPress plugins.

Tips: Here are some writing tips that can help you:

  1. Use a clear topic title that describes briefly the content of your article. For example, “How to install WordPress manually in your web host using SFTP and SSH.”
  2. Write an introduction that either introduces your topic, or gives a short overview of your content. Your goal is to capture the interest of your reader.
  3. Organize your materials clearly and logically. For example, if you are writing a tutorial, then your materials should be arranged chronologically.
  4. Provide illustrations if needed. Screenshots from your desktop showing some processes or some results are good examples.
  5. Write concisely and avoid fluff — include everything that needs to be included, but no more.
  6. Write in a style that is common to technical documents written for the general public — that is, know your audience. Not everyone in this community are web developers or computer experts.
  7. Connect your conclusion with your introduction, and let it be a natural ending to everything you’ve written. Do not introduce new materials at this point.
  8. Acknowledge any references that you may have used. Provide credit links whenever possible.
  9. Finally, proofread everything you’ve written before hitting Create Topic.