Toolset (Relationships) Alternative?

There seems to be an alternative to Toolset when it comes to Post Relationships.

It seems a much more powerful one: Posts to Posts by Cristi Burcă, better known as scribu in the WP world.
The plugin can be downloaded on the WP Repo, it has a great documentation, it is around since almost a decade, it is maintained, it allows relationships between posts of the same type!!!, relationships between users and posts, users to users, custom metadata on the relationships, one to many and many to many… erh what? And it is free.

I am not sure what I have been doing with Toolset :rofl: - this plugin seems to be the definition of relationships, and it works about as good as something can work.

Due to its rather minimal GUI implementation - which might scare off users at first - it should also be much more extendable than Toolset. You can even get a version of the plugin that has no GUI at all, and use it as a “core” to your own Theme or Plugin and implement the Relationship GUI however you want.

The only thing I did not like when I look at it was, the coding standard is not my preferred. But that is a detail.

For anyone looking for an alternative - this might just be it?

Has anyone here used this plugin?
I’d love to hear some experience / feedback.

Very interesting indeed. I’d feel a little reluctant still to use it on client sites. It still seems to have some maintenance and compatibility issues?

Hi @Kristoff - nice to have you around here too!

Great tool (WP Hive), I did not know it. I wonder what PHP / JS issues they found, as the plugin is actually maintained again and I tested with with PHP 7+, had no errors whatsoever. Perhaps they mean PHP8?
However it has been unmaintained for many years, only recently a new group took over. Not necessarily a bad thing (if it has worked so long without work done on it, it means it is really good code :stuck_out_tongue: )
Probably just deprecations (of which we will get hundreds as well with Toolset).

Does the WP Hive tool give precise insight into what exactly is flagged?
It would be interesting to see if those are just false alarms or actual issues.
So far as I tested it I am still quite impressed.
The drawback is, you can’t build queries with it, such as Toolset offers. However, being the database very simple and yet very powerful, writing them on my own is actually simpler than doing it with Toolset.

I’ll keep playing with it a while